Quite by nature my words were the only way I could express myself. I would write to relieve sadness, stress, anger. I would read to be happy, to laugh, and to forget reality. I used to tell anyone who would listen that my dream was to get a book deal and make a million dollars. As I grew older I continued to write, but stopped being outspoken about getting published. I lost some of my vision and turned towards a more practical future. Raised by working class parents who worked to live and survive, not to pursue their dreams. I began to internalize this belief that "dreams" are for others. For those with the money and the time to pursue them. I had to work to provide for my family and ensure our survival.
So I went to college and I got my Bachelor of Science. I worked hard and went to law school. Received my Juris Doctorate. During those years I still wrote, but they were saved files on multiple thumb drives just collecting dust. I told myself that those stories were not good enough for mass consumption. That writing fiction not grounded in the enslavement of people with my skin color would not secure any future.
Then one day after a particularly bad week I finished this story. Wintr's Homecoming. It is a paranormal fiction romance about a plus size girl with brown skin and a loud personality finding love with a man from her past. The passion I felt about this book and the excitement I felt when I thought about it caused me to act out of character. I sent the story to a friend. In the past I attempted to get some stories out into the world through traditional publishing, but I was met with rejection. Not unusual for anyone seeking to publish in this literary world.
Wintr's Homecoming was like this baby I could not put to the side. So I started to look into self-publishing. I thought about the material I wanted to put out into the world and the books I wish I had more access to when I was younger. I started looking at the books that I read and came to the conclusion that waiting for others to pick up the mantel and write books that represented brown girls, teens, and woman in more then only the typical stereotypical light.
Since the day we start reading, all of us are introduced to the typical literary structure of this classic european character, who drives the story forward. They go on adventures and are usually accompanied by side kicks, often of the minority persuasion, who support them in achieving their goals. This is reinforced by book after book and unless you are raised in a socially conscious home or attend a socially conscious school readers are indoctrinated into this world were minorities are only viewed as supporting cast for the other.
When we did read books about people with my skin color it spoke about the disenfranchisement of the blacks. A worthy subject to be sure but it does not hold the same appeal as books like "The Hunger Games, Twilight, and other young adult books novels based on adventure, romance, and action. How is it that even in books where the author is creating characters whom challenge the establishment, whites are the savor of all. This is not to say I do not read and love those books. Because I do. What I am saying is that would appreciate some diversity. If I were not always required to relate and idolize a pale skinned woman or man for heroic tendencies.
I in no way mean for this to be a condemnation but as a letter to writers with a platform to consider. Why the greek tycoon falls for the blond, red head, or brunette? Why are their so many descriptions for pale skin and a finite number of descriptions for brown. I want a world when I walk into a library, coffee shop, or book store and I see people of all creeds reading fictional stories driven forward by main character's of any race.
It is happening, but it is not happening fast enough. Companies are not the risk takers and innovator's they used to be. They are driven by dollar and rarely consider stepping outside of their comfort levels to attempt bringing social change if there is not a recognizable and definitive commercial gain to be had. I started Durand Publishing because I wanted a platform for myself but also because I have reverted back to childhood in a way because I am now once again willing to take a risk. I want to grow this company into something where our customer bases is as diverse as the world we live in and our characters help to connect racial lines in a new way.
Completed Works
The Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal Series:
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